Life Hack in My Household

baseline-goal-setting-processOn days when I have it more together, other people ask me, “How can you (successfully) manage your own home and also run errands and help others?” Somedays I ask myself this. Somedays I just do, and not think.

So, today’s life hack moment is brought to you by a little crazy and a lot of organization.

Goals with a Plan. I recently got a new planner system (shout out to #startplanner!) that is working well for me and my hurried-lifestyle. I plot out my day/week/month and know where I’m going on a daily/hourly basis. All this can be accomplished by keeping my goal(s) in front of me and working towards them daily. It keeps me grounded!

Communication. It’s always something people complain about, so I go out of my way to make it key in my household. We text. We leave love notes scattered about. We talk on the phone. We chat at the dinner table about our day, our dreams, and our schedules. We talk, giggle, and pray at bedtime. We go out of our way to help each other out and it’s a family value my girls have been raised with.

Hydrate. I’ve mentioned all those half-drank (drunken?) bottles of water. I always have water with me while in the car, and at home I try to keep a glass of water on the counter so that every time I pass I’ll at least take a sip. It sounds silly, but the more aware I am about how much water I’m drinking, the more aware I am of other key details in my day. (I also love to drink coffee … another story for another day!)

What little habits are helping you become successful? What can you change today that will help your tomorrow?


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